In accordance with Spanish regulations regulating the use of cookies with regard to the provision of electronic communication services, set out in Law 34/2002 of the 11th of July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, below we will inform you about cookies:

1.- What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which download and store themselves on the browser of the Computer, Smartphone or Tablet of the user when accessing certain websites. In no case can they contain computer viruses or install malware on the user’s device.

The use of cookies offers numerous advantages in providing Information Society services, among others: (a) facilitating the user’s navigation on the Website; (b) facilitating the user’s access to the different services offered by the Website; (c) preventing the user from having to reconfigure predefined general characteristics each time they access the Website; (d) facilitating the improvement of the operation and services offered on the Website, through the corresponding analysis of information obtained through the cookies installed; (e) allowing a Website, among other things, to store and recover information on the navigation habits of a user or their device, and depending on the information they contain and the way in which the device is used, can be used to recognise the user.

The majority of browsers accept cookies as standard, and independently of them, allow or impede temporary or memorised cookies in their security settings.

Take into account that to be able to use and have the best browsing experience, you must have cookies enabled, especially technical cookies necessary for identifying yourself as a registered user each time you access this website. In particular, we inform you that we use the following types of cookies, which are processed either directly by us or by third party collaborators:

Suites Home 28 S.L. is in no case liable for either the content or veracity of the policies and/or terms of use and privacy of third parties, included, through the links, in this policy.


2.- How is Suites Home 28 S.L. authorized for the use on cookies of this website?

With regard to the use of cookies on this website described in the previous section, the user authorizes and consents to their use in the following way: When the user accesses any page of the website, they will see a notification indicating that the website of Suites Home 28 S.L. uses cookies, the user being able to accept or reject their use through the configuration of their browser. If the user does not configure their browser so that cookies are not activated, by browsing the website of and using its services, the user accepts the use of the cookies.


3.- How is consent for the use of cookies on this site withdrawn?

The user has the option of withdrawing their consent for the use of cookies at any time on their browser, being able to allow, block or delete the cookies installed on their device through the configuration of the options of the browser used on their device (computer, mobile, tablet).

Without enabling the cookies described in the above table, the indicated web services will not be provided.

Below, links are indicated where it is explained how to carry out this process on the main internet browsers:






4.- Update of the Cookie Policy

Suites Home 28 S.L. will update this policy when necessary, either because it is required by a regulation or if deleting or using new cookies. Any modification of these conditions will be published on this website.

From the moment that the new conditions are communicated and made available to the user through the aforementioned publication, the new cookie policies will apply, automatically replacing the previously published policies.

If you have any queries on this cookie policy, you can contact Suites Home 28 S.L. using the following email address:




1.     Who is Responsible for Processing your data?

Suites Home 28 S.L.

N.I.F: B66585514

Registered in: Sant Elies 91, Sant Esteve de Palautordere

Postal address: 08461

Telephone: (+34) 938 482433


2.     How do we obtain your data?

We only obtain your data that you provide during the booking process.

We process it for the following purposes:

·         Your personal data is processed within the European Economic Area; we do not transfer it out with this area.

3.     For how long do we keep it?

We will store your personal data while our contractual relationship is in effect. Once it has ended, we will store it in accordance with current specific legislations. If you want more information on this, please don’t hesitate to request more information from us through the following email address:

4.     What are your rights?

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of the 27th of April 2016 regarding the protection of physical personas with regard to personal data processing (GDPR), you have the rights to access, rectify or delete your personal data, or oppose or limit its processing.

You also have the right to request the Portability of your data (provided that this is technically possible) and to not be the object of profiles created (although we do not create profiles of any type.

In the case of not agreeing with the way in which we have processed your data, you have the right to make a claim.

To exercise any of the indicated rights, you must contact us using the following email address:

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer using the following email address:

In all cases, you must provide a copy of your DNI identity document or Passport in order to accredit your identity.

We will analyse your request and/or claim to provide a response and resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

If you still consider your personal data to have not been processed appropriately in accordance with the law, you can contact the control authority and present a claim to it.